Progress your career in coaching with UK certification
A perfect choice for professionals working in business organizations
Key Features
- No exams, assignment based qualification
- Can be completed in minimum time period
- Online and Distance Learning with tutor support
- Ideal for working professionals
- Ofqual regulated Qualification
- Become eligible to get Diploma Rrogram
- Regular Networking Events with Industry Professionals
- Flexible payment plans available
The main aims of the qualifications are to develop knowledge, understanding and skill in coaching and/or mentoring, so these techniques can be used effectively with a wide range of individuals in and across organizations operating in different sectors. The qualifications will establish the connection between coaching, mentoring and the achievement of personal effectiveness, professional performance and organisational goals.
Program Details
Eligibility Criteria
This qualification is designed for learners who are typically aged 21 and above.
This qualification is designed for learners who have the appropriate levels of experience and maturity to take on the roles of coach and mentor. For example, the learners may have extensive experience of working in the roles where mentoring or coaching is taking place.
For learners who have recently been in education or training the entry profile is likely to include:
- a level 5 or level 6 qualification in a range of subject areas
- other equivalent international qualifications
- qualifications and/or training in coaching or mentoring.
- Can be completed in 6 months, or
- Fast Track in 3 months
Course Units (Total 03 units)
Mandatory Units
- Principles and practice of coaching and mentoring
- Personal development for coaches and mentors
Pathways (Choose one Unit)
- Pathway-1: Certificate in Coaching (for People in Business/Organizations)
Unit Name: Coaching for business/organizational improvement - Pathway-2: Certificate in Coaching (for People in Education and/or Training)
Unit Name: Coaching education professionals

Mode of Study & Assessment
No Formal Exams, assessment is through Assignments only. This is an online and distance learning program, candidates can complete at the comfort of home of office.
Awarded By
This Certification is awarded by ATHE and is regulated by the Ofqual UK. LEXICON is accredited and approved study center for ATHE qualifications.
LEXICON is best college for ATHE online programs from Level 3 to Level 7